Junior Journalists report….

Junior Journalists report….

As we enter the final week of school for this academic year, we must say goodbye to our current Junior Journalists. Here is their last blog with some parting words of wisdom for the next Junior Journalists…   “Being a Junior Journalist was a very good experience. We...
Community Garden

Community Garden

Community Garden June 22 Update What a fantastic month to be a grower this has been – plenty of rain, lovely warm temperatures day and night, and not too many scorchers. Everything is growing at an extraordinary pace in the community garden and allotment – weeds...
Exciting news from our Junior Journalists

Exciting news from our Junior Journalists

Our Very Own Author Sarratt School has its own publisher Frank; he was influenced by all of the book making they do in Year 2. He has made a book called the Four Boys with ideas coming from his friends: Zach, Blake and Arlo. With help from his Grandad’s computer, and...
Community Garden February Update

Community Garden February Update

COMMUNITY GARDEN FEBRUARY UPDATE January has been a varied month in the SCG – bitterly cold days with brittle frosts and painful fingers; mild, wet and cloudy days reminiscent of Autumn; and the occasional glorious moment of mood-lifting sunshine. At a glance, nothing...
National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day

National Compliment Day This special day occurs on the 24th January. These women, Kathy Chamberlin of Hopkinton, N.H. and Debby Hoffyman of Concord, N.H., created National Compliment Day to let people know that paying compliments is not only an easy way to connect...
Junior Journalists report – Christmas at Sarratt School

Junior Journalists report – Christmas at Sarratt School

Christmas at Sarratt School At Sarratt School there are many events to celebrate the meaning of Christmas and enjoy the festive season. Here are some of them: Nativity The Nativity was performed by KS1, showing us the arduous journey that Mary and Joseph took and also...