May 28, 2021 | Events, news
The new community garden has open gates tomorrow morning (Saturday) 29th of May. Just behind the Sarratt store. Just pop in and have a peek at the progress that has been made by so many volunteers, all working towards bringing Grainger and Tracey’s vision into...
May 19, 2021 | Events, news
Sunday the 16th of May, a call came from Chesham to Flo and Sue in Sarratt that a swarm of Bees could hopefully be moved into the new Sarratt Community garden behind the Sarratt store, where a recently fabulous new residence has been put in place ready for some new...
May 18, 2021 | Blog, news
The Junior Journalists have some exciting news! We have undergone some rebranding and are very pleased to announce our new team. Daisy-Rose – Creative Editor Daisy-Rose, previously a Junior Journalist, will now be taking responsibility for all things creative. She...
May 15, 2021 | Events, news
Sarratt Horticultural Society Saturday 29th May – Pop Up Stall on the path before the field behind the shop. 10am onwards Saturday 4th September – Autumn Show in the Village Hall. Please save the dates in your diary.