As we enter the final week of school for this academic year, we must say goodbye to our current Junior Journalists. Here is their last blog with some parting words of wisdom for the next Junior Journalists…


“Being a Junior Journalist was a very good experience. We did things like writing blogs and interviewing people. It has given me more opportunities to  be creative with my work. But one thing I have to say to future Junior Journalists is that make sure you have finished and posted your work before the deadline! It is also key to work as a team on group things as you can all listen to people’s ideas. I’m sure you will do really well next year and I wish you the best of luck!”


“Becoming a junior journalist was an amazing experience.  It enhanced our creativity in writing and gave us opportunities to work as a team.

We connected to the people of Sarratt hearing their opinions. I hope the future Junior Journalists take this opportunity and do it to their best abilities.”


“Being a Junior Journalist was a great opportunity. We wrote blogs about what is going on in Sarratt the most recent one being  the Sarratt bak sale. It was such a pleasure to be a Journalist for Sarratt and go and interview people in the community of Sarratt. I wish the new Junior Journalists good luck and hope that they enjoy it like we did.”

Jasper, JJ.

“I liked writing stories about what has been happening and doing projects with my friends. I also loved when we went out of class to go to the pop up shop and we got to try the fudge and the cake! It is hard but fun being a Junior journalist but it’s worth it.”


“Being a junior journalist was amazing. I couldn’t ask for anything better. It was a long journey and I learned a lot. All of the blogs were fun and exciting. It was always something different to write about and I hope the future Junior Journalists do well.”


“I have enjoyed being a Sarratt Snapper. It was an amazing opportunity to represent my school and take photos for Junior Journalists. Any future Sarratt Snappers, I have a top tip for you! When you take a photo, you have to breathe in and then breathe out as you take the photo. This will help the camera to be steady! Good luck to the next Junior Journalists.”

“Becoming a junior journalist was an amazing experience.  It enhanced our creativity in writing and gave us opportunities to work as a team.

We connected to the people of sarratt hearing their opinions . I hope the future Junior Journalists take this opportunity and do it to their best abilities.” Ivy.

Thank you, to all of you for being brilliant Junior Journalists , have a great summer!

Also, thank you to Mrs Pinner for bringing these lovely talented young ones forward! Much appreciated.